Are you where you want to be?
Are you in the shape you want to be in?
Do you have the energy to do what you want to do?
Are you mentally and emotionally healthy?
do you want more energy?
Increased libido?
You bring your concerns,
You deserve to be your best!
AND I can help you.
Whether you are new to being healthy and
Click to schedule a 50-minute Health Consultation with me
YOU deserve it!

Possible Health Coaching Topics:
The human body has natural detox mechanisms build in and can handle small amounts of toxicity. But our bodies are not equipped to handle the large amount of toxins we are exposed to every day.
We are consuming toxins with each bite, each breath, every drink, cleaning product, shower & body product we use. Toxins affect us, and we need to take action to protect ourselves! Everyone is toxic nowadays, from the contamination of our water, air, food sources. With pesticides, chemicals
What we need to ask ourselves is: what is my toxic burden and how is that affecting my health?
Unless you have done a cleanse and felt the overwhelming feeling of clarity, health, and lightness that it brings, it is hard to imagine.
That’s why I invite you to find out for yourself.
I can help you to asses your toxic burden and guide you step by step through cleanses that are safe and appropriate for you. Then, I will help you to rebuild and rejuvenate!
I help you learn to avoid what you need to avoid and protect yourself and your family.
Food Audits
A food audit is where we systematically go through your food choices, and I help you to optimize your diet based on your health goals and your current level of health.
Specific ‘Project’
You may have an area that you want to address, I call this a ‘project’ area. These are usually areas of pain, tension or discomfort and we would like to find some relief without compromising our health in other areas. Which sometimes can happen when we resort to pharmaceuticals and surgeries. i.e, taking lots of Advil can cause liver damage etc.
Most people are waking up to the fact that we can’t rely on doctors to keep us healthy! And that we absolutely can optimize or diet and lifestyle for maximum health benefits!
Common project areas are anxiety, depression, weight gain, weight loss, acute or chronic pain in the back, neck, knees etc, painful menstruation, headaches, heartburn, brain fog, sleeplessness/insomnia, leg cramps, carpal tunnel, neck stiffness, bad breath.
Are you ready to take on your project area and feel better?
Ayurvedic Consultation
If you’re joining us for an in-person Ayurvedic consultation, your time also includes an Ayurvedic physical including a pulse analysis, where we feel the health of the organs, systems, and tissues.
Shopping List / Recipe Ideas
Making sure to have prepared meals ready is such a help! Keeps us on track, helps our budget and saves time! I can help you have the exact foods that you need to feel your best.
About Darci Frankel
Darci is a cleansing and rejuvenation expert.
Darci Frankel has had lifelong involvement in the healing arts. She is a seasoned practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine and a long time massage therapist and yoga teacher. She began studying yoga as a young girl with family practice sessions, then went on to do comparative yoga studies with a multitude of methods and teachers.
Darci Frankel began her Ayurvedic study in 1992 and then interned with America’s foremost expert of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad, at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. She has been practicing Ayurvedic Medicine and providing cleansing and rejuvenation programs since 1994. A national Ayurveda educator, she also served as an advisor for High-Health, Inc. And was invited to head up the Complimentary Medicine team of Miami’s prestigious Mt. Sainai Hospital.
Darci has been the managing owner of Hanalei Day Spa on Kauai for 16 years. Using her holistic business model she helps other Day Spas up-level their culture and business.
Some of her notable clients have included; Gloria Estefan, John Oats, Mickey Rourke, Dr. Brad Blanton, and Pierce Brosnan.
Darci helps people be healthy, happy, vibrant and fully self-expressed.
Consultation Options
Your consultation can be: In Person, via Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom or FaceTime
Click to schedule a 50-minute Health Consultation with me
YOU deserve it!