Sending our sincere Aloha from Kauai! This issue is all about the self-help that we need so much of right now. I hope you soak up all the aloha, mana, love, and nature and it soothes you.
While we on Kauai, haven’t been able to receive guests lately, I wanted to give you an update during this time of Corona. We have been flattening the curve, doing our best to Malama (take care) of the island, ourselves, and each other. Just like the rest of the world, we have all been asked to go inside.
Thankfully, since we are a contained island, Kauai has only had 20 confirmed cases of Covid to date and none for weeks now, thank heavens. Our limitations have been lifting with business and restaurants have been opening. We have been able to go to the beaches and enjoy nature which is a blessing. Visitors currently do have to be in quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.
Along with staying home, I took “go inside” to a whole new level.
Along with staying home, I took “go inside” to a whole new level. After I did a thorough spring cleaning and washing my hands, wearing a mask, and keeping social-distancing, I have been doing a lot of meditation and contemplation.
Having just spent a year and a half almost in isolation from the flood in 2018, we, in our neighborhood, have been very used to staying home. With this in mind, I will share some of the skills I have learned with you. First, you probably want more Kauai information before hearing about how to contemplate your navel.
Nature is happy!

On the whole, nature seems more vibrant, colorful and abundant without us stinking humans polluting the water, earth and skies. The birds seem extra happy. I hear them exuberantly announce the sunrise to all in earshot.
The fishes are multiplying, frolicking, and spreading their fins out with all the extra room they have. They seem to really be enjoying the water all to themselves!
Here on Kauai the horses, chickens, and wild boar also are enjoying more freedom.
Without a doubt, the reefs are happy and growing as well especially without toxic sunscreen to kill them.
I loved seeing the picture of the dolphins in the clean canals in Venice and the clear skies (instead of radical pollution) above China. With; lower emissions, rare animal sightings, reduced air, and water pollution, temporary cessation of deforestation by large corporations, nature is thriving right now. And I am happy about that.
It is us who really need help right now. Emotionally, financially, spiritually
It is us who really need help right now. Emotionally, financially, spiritually…Everyone I know has been through some sort of suffering due to this pandemic.
I decided to bring you this issue, all about self-help that we are so much in need of right now. To that end, I hope you soak up all the; aloha, the love, mana and it soothes you.

Stress triggers our flight and fight response
When we lose our job; have an emergency such as we have all been through, or there are large and unknown changes in our life our nervous system can interpret this as stress.
Even in our daily life we are exposed to many types and amounts of stress, which then trigger our fight or flight response AKA sympathetic nervous system, including the release of stress hormones.
Did you know that almost every TV show nowadays triggers our fight or flight response with gory visuals, abrupt automobile accidents, and shocking scenes?
Did you know that our unconscious mind cannot differentiate between real and imagined stressors?
In addition, frequent stressors of schedules, deadlines, relationship conflict, even a mild disagreement can cause internal strife. Being in traffic, loud and numerous layered sounds in the environment, even caffeine, and slight alterations in routines can all release stress hormones.
We have actually grown numb to the negative visual impressions we receive.
What happens is that we are exposed to so much stimulation in our daily lives that our nervous system becomes hyperactive. We don’t even notice it! Then, over time, this compounds and ages us, as a result, it takes a serious toll on our mental, emotional, and physical health… Read on to find out how to reverse this.
Studies show that stress actually shrinks the brain!
Bruce McEwen, a neuroscientist at Rockefeller University in New York says that “Stress causes neurons (brain cells) to shrink,” he goes on to say that “The wear and tear on the body from lots of stress changes the nervous system.”
Moreover, “particularly worrying in the developing brain, which appears to be programmed by early stressful experience”.
What can we do?
Don’t worry, because remember, worrying shrinks your brain. There is a lot that we can do to help our bodies be at their optimum!
A regular routine with daily exercise, adequate sleep, nourishing and healthy meals can all go a long way towards providing a healthy foundation, and more, read on…
In addition, we can easily self-regulate our nervous system. AND we can also co-regulate with another human being (which is actually easier.)
I provide suggestions for both below
In fact, I provide helpful information on being your best in all the emails I send.
These activities significantly decrease stress:

- hugging
- receiving massage
- touch
- talking with a friend
- holding a baby or a pet
- singing
- even looking at beautiful, or cute pictures
- That’s why I put pictures of one of my favorite people
If you are by yourself
When we are feeling out of sorts, or if other people are not available to talk to, or give us a hug, the best course of action is to turn inward instead.
Most people learn how to soothe themselves as infants. However, many of us forget to practice in our daily lives. Or, sometimes we are hard on ourselves or need to feel self-love when we feel anxiety or fear. These are the times to increase our self-love.
I was on a water slide with the kids recently, it was steep. As I took the plunge onto the slide, I felt afraid, and noticed my belly, probably my whole body tightened up. I didn’t even make a conscious decision to soothe myself, it just happened.
I said reassuring words to myself such as: “I am safe, this is OK, just flow with it in the same way I flow with life.” After that, I immediately relaxed and had fun! Oh, and the kids were proud of me too, in fact, they cheered when I splashed into the pool from the slide. Self-regulation is important and easy to do. Take some time to cultivate self- love with this easy practice. Try this self-soothing, cultivating self- love exercise for a few breaths.

6 ways to QUICKLY reduce stress, anxiety, and pain and increase your mana.

We want to be proficient at preventing stress, in addition, to quickly eliminating stress before it accumulates!
These practices will help you do just that!
- Do this “I am Calm Meditation” with me.
- 8-12 Hugs a day keeps the doctor away! Giving and receiving hugs reduces stress, chances of illness, increases feel-good hormone oxytocin? As a matter of fact family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth.”
- Massage and spa treatments are a great way to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Can’t go to a spa? That’s fine, even giving and receiving massage with loved ones helps too! Start with something simple, like a foot or shoulder massage.
- Don’t let little things build up in your relationships. Periodically take time to clear the air; try this Couple’s Communication Ritual with me.
- Try this advanced meditation practice “Meditation”
- Consider a 3-5 day Reset Retreat with us. Folks usually do a Reset Retreats during a life transition, or when they lose their “center.” The retreat begins with a consultation to determine specific needs. Then, participants receive 2-3 hours of treatments daily, and guidance for self-guided practices such as meditation, a Sugar & Gluten Cleanse. After that, they get other rejuvenation and stress management practices. Begin here with this consultation to assess your needs.
As we have seen, stress comes in many forms and can be cumulative, however, there are solutions!
Another key point is that it took a little while to accumulate, yet with just a little time, you can reduce your stress hormones and significantly increase your feel-good hormones thereby supporting your overall well-being. Remember, I am here for you.
Thank you for visiting us, reading this, and taking the time and sweet attention to nourishing yourself! Please let me know how you are doing. I am looking forward to seeing you on your next in-person visit or online health consultation.
With warm aloha,
Darci Frankel
In the very next (and upcoming) issues:
- I share some of my best health secrets, gained over my 27 years of practicing Ayurvedic Medicine
- Talk about some of my favorite insider Kauai beach activities
- Look for my BIG giveaway soon.
- How toxins might be making you SICK, FAT and TIRED
- Special VIP invitation to an upcoming webinar “The Secrets of Cleansing“
- What kinds of heavy metals are HIDING in your bones, your fat or worse, your BRAIN?!
- I also share one of my secret weapons in detecting heavy metal toxicity.

Darci Frankel has had a lifelong involvement in the healing arts. She is an experienced practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine (the science of healing from India) a cleansing and rejuvenation specialist, a long-time massage therapist, and a yoga teacher.
Darci began her Ayurvedic study in 1992 and then interned with America’s foremost expert of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad, at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. She has been practicing Ayurvedic Medicine and providing cleansing and rejuvenation programs since 1994.
Darci was invited to head up the Ayurveda Department of Complementary Medicine at Miami’s prestigious Mt. Sinai Hospital. She also served as an advisor for High-Health, Inc.
Darci Frankel has been the managing owner of Hanalei Day Spa on Kauai for 16 years. Offering spa services, cleansing and rejuvenation retreats, (Pancha Karma), and a spa consultant.
Some of her notable clients have included; Gloria Estefan, John Oats, Mickey Rourke, Dr. Brad Blanton, and Pierce Brosnan.
“Darci has a strong commitment to healing and transformation which she expresses through her wisdom in Ayurveda.”
~ Deepak Chopra