
Archive | Kauai and Spa News

Happy Anniversary To Us

Happy Anniversary to us!

Established in 2003, our job at Hanalei Day Spa is to help folks feel EVEN better, and we’ve been at it for two decades. Well almost, were at 19 years today! Happy anniversary to us!

A little Hanalei Day Spa Her-story:

I moved to Kauai after running a yoga studio and full time cleansing programs in Scottsdale, I just wanted to relax and not work … Little did I know that Hanalei Day Spa would fall in my lap.

At the time, a close friend suggested that “I should open up a day spa at the Hanalei Colony Resort”. Since I just loooove to sink my teeth into a good challenge, I said “OK, and he introduced me to the resort manager.” He did, and she said that she had always wanted a spa at the resort, “Spa services would be a perfect amenity to complete our Hanalei Colony Resort.” So, Tommy Taylor built the first version of the Lomi Hale, it was beautiful! (Image above) And we started doing massage therapy in the Hale even before we took occupancy of the building. Our guests love our secluded beach side massage!

I decided that Hanalei Day Spa would be a green business.

As much as humanely possible, I take every effort and expense to avoid polluting the planet, our air our bodies and our building/environment. We use green/biodegradable products wherever we can, and we recycle. From the organic massage oil we use, to the detergents WITHOUT harsh chemicals, ZERO scents/ pollutants, to the recycled cups, our cleaning sprays and equipment – all non-toxic.

Only the best for you

I have a colleague who has managed 15 spas in the Hawaiian islands. I invited her to consult with me to see if I could up-level in any way. One of her suggestions was to “use less expensive massage oil. This organic coconut oil is way too expensive!” I say NO WAY. We eat what we put on our skin and I want our massage therapists and guests to have only the best. Sorry-not-sorry

We also started doing yoga classes in what is now Opakapaka restaurant years before it was even the Mediterranean Gourmet.

It was the BEST ocean front yoga studio! And I met my husband Doug right out front years before we would even date…but that is another story entirely.

Auntie Charlotte filled our schedule for two weeks!
As soon as we opened the doors we were busy. A lovely lady from Texas, Charlotte Hesse brought in a group of her executives here and they filled our schedule for two weeks. In those first few months, we all worked the front desk, taking turns checking folks in and out. We quickly learned that we oughta keep the doors open so we brought in a receptionist and taught her what we learned.I think it may have been Melinda…

Erin Clark, Jannan Derso, Jeff, Thomas Kelleher, Kristen, Andrew, Sarah Boyer, Miliki, Keith Sorlie, Sorry if I am forgetting a few, we had a great crew! And we evolved. We started of with a simple menu of services, and adjusted as we learned what folks actually wanted. It was a fun time of growth and expansion.

In those days, I would do a lot of massage therapy, pancha karma cleansing and rejuvenation programs, be the manager, cleaner, scheduling maven, and teach yoga classes. It was a lot, then I realized I was doing too much, so I cut back on doing some massage.  Sorry to those I disappointing by not personally providing you with massage. But I quickly learned that I needed to have that boundary for the big picture, so I can run the spa.

A handful of years ago, I decided to implement online booking system which really helps, but we still keep the paper appointment book, because after all, it IS Haena.
I remember the man who installed our phone system, his wife was my massage client, then his son worked at the resort. it certainly is a small island.

You may remember the paper intake form we had, well in 2016 we went digital, no more paper waste. Hopefully, doing our part to create less paper waste for mother earth.

In the nineteen years we have been open,  we have helped tens of thousands of people to feel better. I feel good about helping as many people as we did over these last 19 years.

So many great people, the two restaurants, a myriad of resort workers, etc. Benny, the landscaper who worked there for 20+ years.  Cissy was so helpful, the awesome receptionist at HCR, may she rest in peace, I remember she gave me resumes when I was looking for a receptionist and give me pointers on hiring. Thank you Cissy, love you!

We Prevail
We survived a flood (April 15, 2018), a plague and a two fires on the property. We were closed for the greater part of three years and made a come back. It was due to the grace of the Hanalei Colony Resort, and of course, the Powers That BE.

So, I owe my deep gratitude to all those powers. Thank you to the small Colony of business here, the many staff members who have come and gone, all on the far reaches of the earth now. Thai Land, Bali, Australia, Israel, Costa Rica, the continental US. So many amazing beings that I got to learn from and contributed to Hanalei Day Spa being the “institution” it is today.

Our dear friend/neighbor Teresa Tico, environmental attorney, came by a few months ago, She said “Darci, you are an institution.” A woman owned business and you made it for so long (two decades) here in Haena, good for you.”

It is because of so may people that we have sustained the course, still here and continue to serve, at Hanalei Day Spa. Thank you, especially to my husband, who will fix things even into the wee hours, because they need to be fixed. I and Hanalei Day Spa love you! Thank you to my sweet step daughter Chelsea for being the perfect receptionist right now. And, of course, my “chop wood, carry water” attitude. Thank you for our sweet land lady Charo. May you all be happy, healthy and prosperous for decades to come!

We are grateful for all our guests, past, present and future.
Thank you for being part of our experience.

May we have the grace and ability to serve for many years to come.

With warm aloha,

Darci Frankel

Established in 2003. We started with offering massage therapy in resort units & yoga classes, then we built our authentic Hawaiian thatched roof structure ‘Hale’/traditional Hawaiian house, and began to offer beachside massage. Our guests love our secluded beach side massage! We use green/biodegradable products wherever we can, and we recycle.

6 ways to QUICKLY reduce stress, anxiety, and pain and increase your mana.

Stress triggers our flight and fight response

When we lose our job; have an emergency such as we have all been through, or there are large and unknown changes in our life our nervous system can interpret this as stress. Even in our daily life we are exposed to many types and amounts of stress, which then trigger our fight or flight response AKA sympathetic nervous system, including the release of stress hormones.

Did you know that almost every TV show nowadays triggers our fight or flight response with gory visuals, abrupt automobile accidents, and shocking scenes?

Did you know that our unconscious mind cannot differentiate between real and imagined stressors? In addition, frequent stressors of schedules, deadlines, relationship conflict, even a mild disagreement can cause internal strife. Being in traffic, loud and numerous layered sounds in the environment, even caffeine, and slight alterations in routines can all release stress hormones.

We have actually grown numb to the negative visual impressions we receive.

What happens is that we are exposed to so much stimulation in our daily lives that our nervous system becomes hyperactive. We don’t even notice it! Then, over time, this compounds and ages us, as a result, it takes a serious toll on our mental, emotional, and physical health… Read on to find out how to reverse this.

Studies show that stress actually shrinks the brain!

Bruce McEwen, a neuroscientist at Rockefeller University in New York says that “Stress causes neurons (brain cells) to shrink,” he goes on to say that “The wear and tear on the body from lots of stress changes the nervous system.” Moreover, “particularly worrying in the developing brain, which appears to be programmed by early stressful experience”.

What can we do?

Don’t worry, because remember, worrying shrinks your brain. There is a lot that we can do to help our bodies be at their optimum! A regular routine with daily exercise, adequate sleep, nourishing and healthy meals can all go a long way towards providing a healthy foundation, and more, read on…

Connection decreases stress.

In addition, we can easily self-regulate our nervous system.

AND we can also co-regulate with another human being (which is actually easier.) I provide suggestions for both below

In fact, I provide helpful information on being your best in all the emails I send.

The following activities significantly decrease stress:

  • hugging
  • receiving massage
  • touch
  • talking with a friend
  • holding a baby or a pet
  • singing
  • even looking at beautiful, or cute pictures
  • That’s why I put pictures of one of my favorite people

If you are by yourself

When we are feeling out of sorts, or if other people are not available to talk to, or give us a hug, the best course of action is to turn inward instead. Most people learn how to soothe themselves as infants. However, many of us forget to practice in our daily lives. Or, sometimes we are hard on ourselves or need to feel self-love when we feel anxiety or fear. These are the times to increase our self-love.

I was on a water slide with the kids recently, it was steep. As I took the plunge onto the slide, I felt afraid, and noticed my belly, probably my whole body tightened up. I didn’t even make a conscious decision to soothe myself, it just happened.

I said reassuring words to myself such as: “I am safe, this is OK, just flow with it in the same way I flow with life.” After that, I immediately relaxed and had fun! Oh, and the kids were proud of me too, in fact, they cheered when I splashed into the pool from the slide. Self-regulation is important and easy to do. Take some time to cultivate self- love with this easy practice. Try this self-soothing, cultivating self- love exercise for a few breaths.


6 ways to QUICKLY reduce stress, anxiety, and pain and increase your mana.

Did you know that looking at cute pictures, is calming?

We want to be proficient at preventing stress, in addition, to quickly eliminating stress before it accumulates! These practices will help you do just that!

  1. Do this “I am Calm Meditation” with me
  2. 8-12 Hugs a day keeps the doctor away! Giving and receiving hugs reduces stress, chances of illness, increases feel-good hormone oxytocin? As a matter of fact family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth.”
  3. Massage and spa treatments are a great way to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Can’t go to a spa? That’s fine, even giving and receiving massage with loved ones helps too! Start with something simple, like a foot or shoulder massage.
  4. Don’t let little things build up in your relationships. Periodically take time to clear the air; try this Couple’s Communication Ritual with me.
  5. Try this advanced meditation practice “Meditation”
  6. Consider a 3-5 day Reset Retreat with us. Folks usually do a Reset Retreats during a life transition, or when they lose their “center.” The retreat begins with a consultation to determine specific needs. Then, participants receive 2-3 hours of treatments daily, and guidance for self-guided practices such as meditation, a Sugar & Gluten Cleanse. After that, they get other rejuvenation and stress management practices. Begin here with this consultation to assess your needs.

As we have seen, stress comes in many forms and can be cumulative, however, there are solutions!

Another key point is that it took a little while to accumulate, yet with just a little time, you can reduce your stress hormones and significantly increase your feel-good hormones thereby supporting your overall well-being. Remember, I am here for you.

Thank you for visiting us, reading this, and taking the time and sweet attention to nourishing yourself! Please let me know how you are doing. I am looking forward to seeing you on your next in-person visit or online health consultation. With warm aloha, Darci Frankel

In the very next (and upcoming) issues:

  • I share some of my best health secrets, gained over my 27 years of practicing Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Talk about some of my favorite insider Kauai beach activities
  • Look for my BIG giveaway soon.
  • How toxins might be making you SICK, FAT and TIRED
  • Special VIP invitation to an upcoming webinar “The Secrets of Cleansing
  • What kinds of heavy metals are HIDING in your bones, your fat or worse, your BRAIN?!
  • I also share one of my secret weapons in detecting heavy metal toxicity.

Darci Frankel has had a lifelong involvement in the healing arts. She is an experienced practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine (the science of healing from India) a cleansing and rejuvenation specialist, a long-time massage therapist, and a yoga teacher. Darci began her Ayurvedic study in 1992 and then interned with America’s foremost expert of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad, at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. She has been practicing Ayurvedic Medicine and providing cleansing and rejuvenation programs since 1994.

Darci was invited to head up the Ayurveda Department of Complementary Medicine at Miami’s prestigious Mt. Sinai Hospital. She also served as an advisor for High-Health, Inc. Darci Frankel has been the managing owner of Hanalei Day Spa on Kauai for 16 years. Offering spa services, cleansing and rejuvenation retreats, (Pancha Karma), and a spa consultant. Some of her notable clients have included; Gloria Estefan, John Oats, Mickey Rourke, Dr. Brad Blanton, and Pierce Brosnan.

Darci has a strong commitment to healing and transformation which she expresses through her wisdom in Ayurveda.”
~ Deepak Chopra

My 5 Tips To Stay Healthy (and sane) this Holiday Season

My 5 Tips To Stay Healthy (and sane) this Holiday Season

Aloha this is Darci Frankel coming to you from Hanalei Day Spa here on Kauai. I hope this finds you well and surrounded by good company this holiday season.

Holidays can be a wonderful time for many, and a challenge for others, and for some, both! It may bring up grief, conflict, loneliness, anger, or any other range of human emotions. I’ve experienced it all and have 5 tips to fall back on this holiday season as emotions arise. Remember we can choose health at every moment (even right after we have a huge dessert).

My 5 Tips for Healthy Holidays:

  • Meditate. The holidays can bring up all sorts of emotions. I encourage you to stay grounded and balanced during the holiday season. Check out my “Be Calm Meditation.” I recorded this meditation while Kauai was in the direct path of a hurricane to support (myself) people in being calm. Instead of freaking out since a hurricane was on its way, I’m mostly joking. But this meditation uses time tested technology to help anyone stay calm and cool.  Check that out HERE
  • Start your new year off well.  Consider doing my Cleanse
    This cleanse will help you to learn about the toxins that may be at the root cause of your symptoms, cleanse those toxins from your body, track your progress and prevent them from getting in your body in the first place. [Who better to help you cleanse, than your spa owner, who has been helping people cleanse (and practicing Ayurvedic Medicine) for almost 30 years.]
  • Gratitude I am sure you have heard this one numerous times. But what does this actually mean? How do we just become grateful? Start with anything – the ability to breathe, to walk, to reach out and connect with another human, the fact that we have a body, etc. Make a list of what you feel grateful for and let it really sink in. (It starts with the little things.) This way, next time you feel grumpy, or upset, you can look at your gratitude list and uplift yourself. Let me know how it goes.
  • Communication with my own body.  I check in daily with my body, and multiple times a day when situations arise that may either excite me or stress me out. It is important to listen for cues and adjust accordingly – day by day.
  • If/when you get upset, how do you communicate that? Do you squirrel it away until you explode? Are you conflict avoidant? Do you pretend everything is ok when it isnt? In this short video I help distinguish “Clean Anger Vs Toxic Anger Which Do You Do?” Because inevitably our family pushes our buttons! Enjoy the holidays without bypassing important communications. Do a self assessment with this short video HERE

What emotions do the Holidays typically bring up for you? What are your New Year’s Intentions or goals? Reply to this email and let me know. I want to help you reach the health goals of your dreams.

We would love to see you on Kauai at Hanalei Day Spa in 2022. We have a team of highly experienced massage therapists waiting to pamper you.

Can’t make it to the island? We have got you covered.
I teach self-care. Learn more HERE
The past two years have been rough, and I want your 2022 to be fantastic.
Be in touch as much or as little as you’d like.
With Aloha,
Darci Frankel



What Makes Hanalei Day Spa A Safer Spa Experience On Kauai?

Teri Tico, First Light of November

Teri Tico, First Light of November

What makes Hanalei Day Spa A Safer Spa Experience On Kauai?

When Covid hit, I was shocked. Like our neighbors, we closed our doors as we were asked to do. I went to work communicating with my colleagues and figuring out how we can still serve our guests, and protect my massage therapists, in the safest way.


After all, providing massage means touching folks, we can’t offer touch-less massage, now can we?


What I realized is that the safest approach for now, is to offer services beachside in the open air. We all wear masks, sanitize surfaces, keep our foyer area low traffic, but of course come in and use the restroom and shower when you need to!


Guests wait in their vehicle/resort unit until their appointment and I check guests in & out on the front lanai.

When it’s raining we use an umbrella to and from the beachside Lomi Hale just as we have done over the past 18 years.

I feel as though these aspects make Hanalei Day Spa a very safe choice right now and I thought, you, my guests may want to know.

>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

Look what recent guests have to say:


>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

We are trying to get back on the map after being closed.
If you’d like to, please leave your 5 star review here:

>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

Look HERE for:

  • Traveling to Kauai what you need to know 

  • Flight Deals to Kauai

November 2021 Kauai Update

Teri Tico, First Light of November

Teri Tico, First Light of November



  1. Traveling to Kauai what you need to know 

  2. What makes Hanalei Day Spa a safer spa experience?

  3. Flight Deals to Kauai


Traveling to Kauai just got easier!

  • Interisland travelers are no longer required to pre-travel test nor provide proof of vaccination.
  • Full-vaccinated trans-pacific travelers (arriving to Kaua‘i from the U.S. mainland) may skip quarantine by uploading a copy of their vaccination card to the Safe Travels site. Click here for step by step instructions on how to upload a vaccine card into a Safe Travels account.
  • Non-fully-vaccinated trans-pacific travelers (arriving to Kaua‘i from the U.S. mainland) may skip quarantine by getting a pre-travel test at a “trusted partner” site and uploading their negative result to the Safe Travels site.

For full details please visit www.gohawaii.com.

Kaua‘i is a top destination this summer and fall, so make your reservations soon! Our Advance Purchase special will save you 15% OFF our best rates (full-pre-payment required). Kamaʻāina residents can take advantage of exclusive Advance Purchase.

Ground Transportation

There is a rental car shortage on Kaua’i! Instead of renting a vehicle, consider some of these alternate transportation options. (Note: Not all options serve Hanalei Colony Resort, but may be useful for guests staying at additional Kaua’i hotels and resorts.)

Hanalei Colony Resort offers the only complimentary shuttle on the North Shore. Once here, guests can conveniently explore an array of shopping, dining and activities in Hanalei, as well as the spectacular natural adventures at the end of the road: Hāʻena State Park, Hanakāpīʻai Beach & Waterfalls, Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park & Kalalau Trail and Limahuli Garden & Preserve. Our secluded resort is also just minutes from four of the five “Best Beaches on Kaua‘i” as voted by readers of Hawaii Magazine – Hanalei Bay, ʻAnini Beach, Kēʻē Beach, and Mākua Beach (aka Tunnels Beach).

Shuttles/Taxi Services
Aloha Shuttle
Kauai Island Shuttle
Kauai Luxury Transportation 
Kauai Taxi Company
Polynesian Adventure
Robert’s Hawaii Kauai Airport Transfer Service


What makes Hanalei Day Spa a safer spa experience?

When Covid hit, I was shocked. Like our neighbors, we closed our doors as we were asked to do. I went to work communicating with my colleagues and figuring out how we can still serve our guests, and protect my massage therapists, in the safest way.

After all, providing massage means touching folks, we can’t offer touchless massage, now can we? What I realized is that the safest approach is to offer services beachside in the open air. We all wear masks, sanitize surfaces in between guests, keep our foyer area low traffic, but of course come in and use the restroom! Guests wait in their vehicle/resort unit until their appointment and I check guests in & out on the front lanai. When it’s raining we use an umbrella to and from the beachside Lomi Hale just as we always have done over the past 18 years. I feel as though these aspects make Hanalei Day Spa a very safe choice right now and I thought, you, my guests may want to know.

>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

Look what recent guests have to say:























We are trying to get back on the map after being closed.
If you’d like to, please leave your 5 star review here:

>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

Flight deals to Kauai

Here is a screen shot of Hawaiian Airlines from Phoenix to Lihue
And below that a google search from LAX to Lihue


>> Learn More/Schedule HERE

Hanalei Hill construction is OVER!


Safe Travels to Hawaii

I just checked and right now Flights to Kauai from SFO are as low as $298
You can probably find some that are even less expensive. It seems as though the airlines are sanitizing and disinfecting and doing everything required to provide a safe environment, but always do your due dilligence.

Before traveling, you probably want to double and triple check  that you are up to date with the latest policies and procedures outlined in the State of Hawaii’s Pre-Travel Testing Program, because it seems as though they change frequently.

Currently there is a 10 day quarantine after arrival, but the rules have been evolving as more information comes to light.

Hanalei Colony Resort has been temporarily closed but the Opakapaka Restaurant is open and serving delicious food!

Here at Hanalei Day Spa, both guests and employees are required to wear face masks for everyone’s safety.

We hope to see you again soon!

Here is a link to the ever changing rules of travel to Kauai

Congratulations to Joelle & Jim for opening up Wainiha Country Market!

“I am really excited. I have been waiting for months for this to happen,” said Denise Hamyoung, a lifelong North Shore resident.

“The thing I am really excited about the most is that if I need something, like an onion or a potato, I can come down and get them. I was amazed when I saw cauliflower rice in here. She’s going to carry some items that everyone is going to need, and now we don’t have to go to Hanalei to get it.”

Ke’e Beach, the future of the End of the Road?

Future plans for the end of the road on Kauai’s North Shore.

If you have ever been to the end of the road on Kauai, you know it is an amazing place! With it’s breathtaking beauty, Ke’e evokes a mystical, magical feeling. Ke’e has been closed due to the recent flood and road closure, but what does the future of the end of the road look like?

For the last 20 years, the county, the state, Board of Land and Natural Resources, land/trust owners have been trying to approve the “master plan’ for Ke’e.  Consequently, the Master Plan recently received initial approval and is making many changes which will change the face of Ke’e forever. The response is interesting, some people are in favor, some are vehemently opposed. But during an early morning meeting on Ohau, the Master Plan was approved on June 28, 2018.

What will change?

Under the Master Plan, visitors to the area will be limited to 900 a day, as opposed to 4k a day, according to some reports.
Due to this limit, any visitors will be required to have advanced reservations for entry and nominal entry fee required.

Haena State Park receives hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. Due to “over tourism” The intention of the master plan is to limit visitors to the area.

However, the 900 visitors a day does not include; overnight campers and hunters with permits, residents, the caretakers, some volunteers or cultural practitioners with cultural/ancestral ties to the Kauai area.

The other changes include a 100-stall parking lot, new entry turnaround, a shuttle stop, and a pedestrian path.

Chipper Wichman, longtime North Shore resident and executive director of the National Tropical Botanical Garden said:

The places we love have been loved to death, this plan is sorely needed. This flood has been Mother Earth’s way of crying out to us.

The importance of the Hāʻena State Park Master Plan quickly elevated after Kauai’s historic flooding in April 2018. Another factor that elevated it’s importance is the subsequent disaster declarations made by the governor. In addition, funds from the ‘disaster mitigation funds’ could help the $3-5 million in costs for the implementation of the plan.

What does that mean to Kauai, you, the visitor & residents?

Ultimately, as a result, it is good news for the magical place known as Ke’e, the land, the natural resources, and the cultural practitioners.  The area is known for it’s the connection to ancient Hawaiian traditions and the practice of Hula.

For the visitor, that means you need to plan ahead if you want to visit Ke’e. There will be a nominal parking fee, so you get to feel good about contributing to the future health of this little corner of the world.

Above all, I hope to see more hula there. And I know for sure that us residents are looking forward to swimming in the lagoon and enjoying the magical sunsets as well!

Here’s to a beautiful swim and glorious sunsets at Ke’e.

With aloha,

Darci Frankel

Haena State Park


What’s happening with the north shore of Kauai and Hanalei Day Spa?

As you may or may not know, there was the big flood in April, then hurricane or Cyclone Lane. These storms caused severe damage to the north shore of Kauai. The mudslides took out part of the road, and as a result, the roads have been closed to everyone but bonafide residents since April.

In September of 2018, Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. issued the following statement in regards to the emergency proclamation and rule in effect for the County of Kauai:

“The safety of our residents in the affected areas of Wainiha and Haena continues to be of the utmost priority. I want to remind everyone that due to emergency roadwork repairs on Kuhio Highway from Waikoko to Wainiha, the current emergency proclamation and rule is necessary for the well-being of our entire community.

“It is my intention to continue this emergency rule – which limits access to residents and authorized vehicles only – until the highway is deemed safe for normal travel. It is also my intention to continue to extend this emergency proclamation until all county-repairs are completed.”

“Mahalo to the people of Kauai as well as our visitors for your continued patience, understanding and aloha while we as a community remain committed to the recovery of our North Shore.”

Access is temporarily limited to the very north shore:

  • Residents
  • Emergency personnel
  • official county, state, government officials and contractors
  • approved non government organizations, such as habitat for humanity and Samaritan’s Purse.

Access to Haena/Wainiha is still restricted to bonafide residents, (convoy route image below) if you want to see our convoy schedule Our Convoy schedule here

The Progress and Challenges

They are progressing slowly and surely. For us, it seems like forever! but…There have been many significant signs of repairs and progress on the roads. The first part was initially clearing debris and mud, after that the roadwork began. DOT began scaling this tall slope wall, they are pulling tons of earth away so it doesn’t erode.  Completing debris removal, slope scaling, slope stabilization, guardrail replacements, and pavement repairs.

The challenge is that the Waipa and Waikoko bridges show signs of significant deterioration and load bearing deficiencies. In that, they do not have the capacity needed for current emergency repairs. (i.e., removal of dirt material and placement of boulders needed for revetments at slope repair sites) Or additional slope mitigation work planned for this area within the next two years.

Bridge repairs

The Department of Transportation DOT has been very busy with all manner of repairs since the flood.  The plan is to replace the Waipā and Waikoko Bridges, however, the Wai‘oli Bridge can be rehabilitated. All bridges will maintain existing alignments and the one-lane travel route. When the project is completed, the posted load will then be 8 tons on all three bridges. The Department of Transportation is working to ensure that the designs for the Waipā and Waikoko bridges conform to the greatest extent possible to the guidelines recommended by the Kūhiō Highway Historic Roadway Corridor Plan. The Department has also committed that designs for the rehabilitated Wai‘oli Bridge will conform with certain plans. The Secretary of Interiorʻs Standards for Rehabilitation and guidelines recommended by the Historic Roadway Corridor Plan.

When will the road open?

The bridges can hold more weight after the repairs.  I suspect the repairs will move faster than they have been moving. The last projected end date was the end of October 2018. However, we are waiting on an updated ‘best case scenario’ and worst case scenario’ from the DOT.

For now, those of us who live here are enjoying the quietude and are busy with trying to make a living. Personally, for 6 months, I have been in the process of creating an online course to help people be healthier. I will announce more soon.

Currently, you may schedule online for Hanalei Day Spa, beginning August 2019, I will add earlier dates,

* as I am notified of the projected date for opening the road. Please know, prices are subject to change.

I will leave you with this beautiful saying and sunset
image of the very north shore, looking towards Kalalau, a popular hiking destination.

Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No
I give my love to you, you give your love to me.

Thank you Teri Tico for this image



How you can help build the Hanalei Playground!

We are building the first Public Playground in Hanalei in over three decades.
On October 14, 2018, the Hanalei Initiative is hosting the Hanalei Playground Fundraiser.

Purchase Tickets Now

A great playground not only provides children with endless hours of free play and exercise. But it can also help tie a community together by serving as a common space for families to gather. In relaxed setting residents and visitors can connect and interact. As a result, new friendships are formed and community ties are deepened through feelings of belonging.

The Hanalei Initiative is in discussions with the County of Kauai to design and build the first Hanalei public playground in over three decades! We have a design committee with participants from the community beginning the design phase and for feedback once we get a few ideas. This is a legacy project that will fill the community with pride for years to come.

Tickets to the fundraiser are open to anyone. If you cannot attend, we will assign your ticket to someone in the community who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend, such as a teacher at Hanalei School.

We are not certain of a site just yet, but we have a few ideas! We are hopeful that The Waioli Corporation will consider a playground being built behind the basketball court in the Waioli Town Park.  Other locations are being considered and a list of pros and cons has been developed. If you would like to participate, have concerns, or want to support please reach out anytime.

Will Hanalei Pier area open soon?

Updates on Hanalei Beach and Pier Repairs
Four months ago, an historic flooding wreaked havoc in Hanalei. We received a historic 50″ of rain in April which quickly washed away a lot of Black Pot Beach, at Hanalei Pier. As part of the disaster, the heavy rain washed away a huge part of Black Pot Beach. A report from the Department of Public Works was issued in July. It shows that the major damages to the area are: the erosion of Weke Road & Black Pot Beach and the destruction of the ‘Comfort Station’.


Drone image, aerial view of Hanalei Pier area

The county continues to salvage the ruins. One such rehabilitation area is the plan to revamp the Black Pot Beach Park.  A University of Hawaii study showed erosion at Black Pot Beach of up to 12 feet in some areas and that April’s flooding eroded 70,000 cubic yards of sand in the area. This was recently quoted in the Garden Island News Paper. The project is to bring the sand and fill in the eroded areas. – such as the Black Pot Beach pier and Weke Road.

This project seeks to put ‘Black Pot Beach’ on the map again!

One neighbor says “If no action was taken, we wouldn’t be able to access the pier or Black Pot.  I’m glad they are trying to give us our pier and park back. They are attempting to bring the sand back around the beginning of the Pier and then also back to black pot so that area is accessible and can be “black pot” again, hopefully, In the process, it will be deeper at the end of the pier and maybe we can jump off it again someday.

Known as the ‘Emergency Declaration Funding’, the project is only for repairs rather than redesign. The first stage of the project is dredging of the Bay, which is currently underway and is illustrated in the images. Estimated at about a million dollars, predictions show that the project is due for completion in the last quarter of 2019.

Furthermore, the repairs should withstand further devastation in the future. As Weke Road is the only land route to access the Beach Park, rebuilding the road will involve dredging of sand from the bay. Afterward, the area will be erosion-proof by adding a layering of geo-fabric and rocks that can give such resistance.
Erosion is fast becoming a threat to life and properties, we must curb erosion! The mechanism of erosion results from the constant changes in the rising of the sea level.

Photo Terry Lilly, Barriers to keep silt from moving into the ocean float
near the pier in Hanalei Bay, part of the ongoing construction project on Weke Road.

“The yellow barriers around the dredging site are silt curtains, and their purpose is to minimize silt migrating out of the work area,” said Lyle Tabata, acting county engineer.

I interviewed a long time resident recently. He said: “Erosion is a natural occurrence and so is rising water, however, it’s actually very complicated. The river is a living phenomenon, which moves from time to time, there are many factors, including; current Buffalo farm, the wetlands prior, there were taro and rice before that, water was always welcome then. Another factor is that the Hau bush prevents erosion on the side which it is growing, yet constricts the river and pushes the water to the other side (where it is not growing). The river used to be 50″ wide and now it’s 30″. Nature and people have changed the terrain. Surf season will definitely change the terrain once again.”

Hanalei Valley is an uplifted coral reef

From time immemorial volcanic islands wash down into the sea. Hanalei Valley is an uplifted coral reef, covered by mud from mountain erosion. Every heavy rain brings down more layers of mud. Ancient Hawaiians, never really lived full time on the beach, it was the ‘beach house’.

The rebuilding project has begun in order to restore peace, tranquility, and beauty to the region. The changes in the floodplains of the Hanalei River are under corrective procedures to preserve what once looked like Hanalei.

Kauai is an amazing place and we need to have more people helping to make real (positive) change.  Participating in the process is important and we can all do more to help.

The good news is if you would like to help, you can. “Hanalei Initiatives”, is a group of people committed to identifying challenges and completing solutions to Hanalei’s most pressing problems. We are community driven and supported, and we work in partnership with government.


Please take a moment to let me know how I can help you with this brief survey

Kauai’s North Shore likely to be closed through the end of the year. Sigh

After disastrous flooding struck Kauai’s North Shore in mid-April 2018, causing damage to the highway and bridges. Initial estimates had the North Shore reopening to the public around October 2018. Access to the North Shore is still closed to the public past the town of Hanalei. The damage and repairs are extensive. Then, Hurricane Lane struck the island at the end of August 2018.  Bringing new flooding and damage to the area, which setback the timeline. The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) recently updated the time estimate for the road closure. They said “Kuhio Highway, the road to the North Shore will be closed to the public until the end of 2018”. This is the only only land access. The closure includes access to the popular Kalalau Trail, Ke’e and Tunnels and Lumahai.

HDOT reports:

LIHUE – Tropical Cyclone Lane brought additional repairs. The timelines and estimated costs are still unclear. These emergency repairs to Kuhio Highway from the April 2018 flooding are being reassessed following the recent flooding.

Before the cyclone, HDOT had an estimat for the repairs. The goal was to be completed in October at a cost of $80 million.

Flooding on August 27 and 28 inundated Kuhio Highway at Hanalei Bridge and between the Waikoko and Wainiha checkpoints. Saturation from the heavy rains also compromised the slope. The location of the compromised slope is at mile marker 1.0 leading up to the Hanalei Bridge. This also resulted in rockfall and a fallen tree. HDOT is performing rock scaling on this slope today. This will prevent additional material loosened by the rains from falling onto the roadway.

In summary, there were setbacks due to additional flooding. Once, we complete the in-depth assessments, we estimate that the project completion date is closer to the end of the year.

Visit Emergency Repairs project website for a full a full list of additional work/estimated costs.
-Photo: Hawaii Department of Transportation


Please take a moment to let me know how I can help you with this brief survey

We have earned the Trip Advisor Certificate of excellence award for 2016!!

I am so happy to share with you that we have just earned the Trip Advisor Certificate of excellence award for 2016!!

We are committed to providing consistent excellent customer service and hopefully it shows.  A big mahalo to all our guests for visiting us year after year and being so gracious and sharing your experiences! A HUGE mahalo to my staff for being awesome!
With warm aloha,

I’m thrilled to announce we now have online scheduling

I love that you can now schedule your spa services online at any time of the day or night!
A few years ago, I considered online scheduling and did a lot of research, I mean A LOT!
I spent hours looking into what they offer, their limitations, costs, all the details, it was a huge learning curve because I didn’t know what I would need. I dropped it because I wasn’t convinced that it would be a good fit, and at the time we had a lot of internet interruptions.

I'm thrilled to announce

Fast forward to 2016, I started doing research again, with a solid consistent internet connection! This time I called the top 6 companies and asked them basically 2 questions; do you schedule for couples and can your system accommodate add-ons (like our beachside, deep tissue, etc.)? Most of them had this complicated ‘work around’ as they call it. But Booker didn’t. For a while there, I considered going into a lucrative and well needed online scheduling business!

After months of research, (and a learning curve)
I am thrilled to announce, we have added ONLINE SCHEDULING.

You can now schedule anytime day or night!
Remember to schedule your services in advance we fill up fast!
If you would still like a human, just call us!


Do you know the difference between surviving and thriving? 
What is your idea of self care?

Here at Hanalei Day Spa, we are a holistic business geared towards thriving and really enjoying life our own selves, and helping you to do that too!

Whether or not you come in to receive spa treatments, let me inspire you to take care of your self, fill up your self love cup so you can love those around you even more.

I made a short video about THRIVING:


BOGO Buy one facial, get one free Sept & Oct


Venus has been retrograde, during venus retrograde the ‘Venus energy’ is not expressed outwardly, in fact, oftentimes there are can be the potential for relationship and or interpersonal challenges during this retrograde cycle.

The best approach is to internalize and ruminate on whatever lessons are brought to us during this cycle. To celebrate the true venus energy, is to revel in beauty in all it’s forms; our (and other’s) beauty, the beauty of nature, a child, experience pleasure and all the lovely delights the senses have to offer. To deeply enjoy the fragrant flowers, the delicious smell of the air, tastes of food, to enjoy touch and create and see beauty in everything. Hanalei Day Spa is a Venus place.

Venus retrograde affects us all in different ways, based on where it is in our chart. We might have been ‘working on’ our appearance during this recent cycle or the appearance of our home, some sort of internalized Venus energy.

On September 6th (actually around 10:30 pm September 5th HST) Venus will begin to move forward
I want to support you in celebrating your own beauty by offering this HUGE DISCOUNT on facials!

We fill up quick, Call ASAP to schedule!
(ME 1929 MAT 7114 BSH 5302)

We are going greener!

save a tree
fill out your intake form online
intake form

no need to print, or email, it is an interactive form that automatically sends….

After years of stacking all of the intake forms, I have decided to go paperless. It is the same form, just online.

The other great thing is that if you didn’t frequent the spa enough to make it with the privileged echelons in the filing cabinet (6X per year) and had to fill out your form every year or so.
Now after filling it out, you will be on file!

so, yeay we are saving trees!

Were done…for now

Yaey, look at our little cottage!

Were almost done!

Even though the front is finished we are still painting the side of the building. I cant believe how much the spa changed in such a short amount of time! Our awesome crew worked tirelessly from Saturday until now.  My darling husband, Doug was here till 12 and 1am!  You wouldn’t even recognize the foyer during the process! It was covered in sheets, drywall dust everywhere! When they were finished with the wall, window, drywall and painting.  Doug cleaned, then our cleaning Goddess, Shamaya cleaned, I organized the last pieces and opened Wednesday morning.

There is more light, it is looking great, and feels so fresh in here! The crew is ecstatic with their massage dollar bonus too!  I’ll post pics for you as soon as we are done painting. Then we can focus on other things! Such as mercury retrograde!

Day 4 outside  photo 2

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