
Tag Archives | being our best

Do You Have Emotional Toxins?

Kicking off 2022 with Emotional and Mental Cleansing 

Aloha this is Darci Frankel coming to you from Hanalei Day Spa here on Kauai to wish you a Happy New Year!

How is your 2022 so far? Are you still excited about your goals or intentions for 2022? I would love to hear what they are if you feel like sharing them. Reply below or shout out to me on instagram so that I can cheer you on.

On the other hand, you may be unsure of your goals, or have resistance to even making them. Sometimes there may be emotional or mental block or even some trauma, especially after this past couple of years.

Even on a subtle or subconscious level because emotional content may get in the way of us reaching our goals. As a cleansing specialist, I help folks to eliminate physical toxins, you know the garden variety heavy metals, pesticides, pseudo estrogens and mold etc,. AND emotional toxins too, because the undigested emotional stuff is just as important as physical toxins.

Often, these emotions are so deeply buried you don’t realize they’re even there. But because they haven’t been properly released, these emotions can negatively affect your health.

In fact, studies show these stuck emotions can:

  • Derail DNA communication
  • Suppress immune system functions
  • cause fatigue, illness, depression, and worse.

    Yes, it’s essential to detox chemicals and heavy metals. But I also believe EVERYONE should detox toxic emotions too.

    If you are interested in learning more about this check out my:

    Guided Meditation/Gently Detoxing Our Emotions
    click HERE to listen to audio 

We begin by simply sitting quietly…click HERE to practice with me. 

If you are still unsure about your focus this year, you can book a consultation with me HERE. We can do a deep dive on your health goals. Unearth the blockages, and help you move toward your best health yet. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

Is Kauai calling you?

Come visit! There are cheap fares, quick flights and your happy place, remember to schedule your couple’s massage EARLY at Hanalei Day Spa.

You are the BEST VERSION of yourself that you can possibly can be right now

In a recent newsletter, I mentioned observing our self-talk and how we talk to ourselves. Are you kind to yourself? Do you get frustrated, or angry quickly with yourself and or others? How we think of ourselves is really important.

In his work, Dr. Emoto and his team taped typed words to different glasses of water from the same source of pure distilled water. Samples of each were then flash frozen, and the crystals were photographed with a dark-field microscope.  Consistently, the water exposed to positive, loving words or images of beauty produced brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake crystals. Conversely, the water exposed to negative, dis-empowering words or sad, ugly images consistently produced fractured crystals or distorted, discolored blobs with no crystalline structure at all, much like water from stagnate or polluted sources of water.

His work powerfully and eloquently shows us how our thoughts, words, and intentions have a literal and direct effect on our physical world and our overall state of health and well-being!

Similarly, our whole being hears everything we say!

I recently met a woman in her 20’s, we were on a line and started talking. We were talking about health, spirituality and working out.  (it’s amazing the depth that we can get to while waiting for the bathroom!) I’m a little bit of an intuitive savant and I said something that touched and surprised us both. I said, “You are the BEST VERSION of yourself that you can possibly be right now, I hope you can realize that and relax into yourself and life.” She took a deep breath, teared up and thanked me.

I hope we can all realize this.
What are we striving for?
What are we running from?

You are the BEST VERSION of yourself that you possibly can be right now.
The next time you find yourself beating up on yourself or being hard on yourself, take a breath and relax into that truth for a moment.

I found these water blessing labels on a trip to Topanga canyon many years ago. We offer water in them at Hanalei Day Spa.
Each one has a special word a blessing for you. You may have noticed.


Please take a moment to let me know how I can help you with this brief survey

Think kindly of yourself.

Darci Frankel



Image of Dr. Emoto water experiments, can you tell the difference between the ones that were loved?

How to make healing Bone Broth, that tastes great!

Bone Broth, the superfood


Bone broth is a nutritional supplement, a superfood packed with potent nutrition!
The way that I make bone broth is quite unique.
I have a long background in Ayurvedic Medicine. In Ayurveda, we prepare herbalized oils, potent medicinal teas, and other medicine. For instance, one way we do this, is to cook cups of herbs in gallons of water for 3 days, strain, then add oil and cook the oil out. This infuses the oil with the potent tea. In this way (and many ways), my Ayurveda background has informed my broth preparation.

Similarly, bone broth also has a rich history in traditional Chinese medicine. It is highly regarded as a helps support the digestive system, is a great tonic, builds the blood, supports the kidneys, offers incredible minerals, which most of us are depleted with,  supports the gut, Bone broth improves skin, bone and joint health and is anti-inflammatory. It can single-highhandedly help someone heal from the leaky gut syndrome.

Above all, these are some of the reasons I love Bone broth.
We drink it in our family and recommend it to the those who need it when they come to me for Ayurveda Consultation.


3.5-4 gallons of water (depending on the size of your crockpot)
Bones; turkey, chicken, beef or bison
Whole Black peppercorns, fenugreek, ginger, thyme, fresh Rosemary
Apple Cider Vinegar which pulls the minerals out of the bones into the broth.
2 LG Onions, 2 Lg. tomatoes, celery, and 1 lemon

Lemongrass, fenugreek, galangal are a nice addition, especially during cold and flu season.


add bones, water, veggies, and herbs, cook on low for 24-48 hours


Athletes, New mothers, anyone who is sick; convalescing, weak, elderly, anyone needing more strength.


Cook for 3 days, daily add veg if you’d like, add more water.
After that, let it cool.
Then strain it and throw bones away. (you can puree vegetables and use as a base of a soup)
Pour bone broth into containers, however make sure to leave ½ inch when freezing PACKAGING IT


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10 Keys to BEING seriously healthy



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