
Tag Archives | Kauai

Do You Have Emotional Toxins?

Kicking off 2022 with Emotional and Mental Cleansing 

Aloha this is Darci Frankel coming to you from Hanalei Day Spa here on Kauai to wish you a Happy New Year!

How is your 2022 so far? Are you still excited about your goals or intentions for 2022? I would love to hear what they are if you feel like sharing them. Reply below or shout out to me on instagram so that I can cheer you on.

On the other hand, you may be unsure of your goals, or have resistance to even making them. Sometimes there may be emotional or mental block or even some trauma, especially after this past couple of years.

Even on a subtle or subconscious level because emotional content may get in the way of us reaching our goals. As a cleansing specialist, I help folks to eliminate physical toxins, you know the garden variety heavy metals, pesticides, pseudo estrogens and mold etc,. AND emotional toxins too, because the undigested emotional stuff is just as important as physical toxins.

Often, these emotions are so deeply buried you don’t realize they’re even there. But because they haven’t been properly released, these emotions can negatively affect your health.

In fact, studies show these stuck emotions can:

  • Derail DNA communication
  • Suppress immune system functions
  • cause fatigue, illness, depression, and worse.

    Yes, it’s essential to detox chemicals and heavy metals. But I also believe EVERYONE should detox toxic emotions too.

    If you are interested in learning more about this check out my:

    Guided Meditation/Gently Detoxing Our Emotions
    click HERE to listen to audio 

We begin by simply sitting quietly…click HERE to practice with me. 

If you are still unsure about your focus this year, you can book a consultation with me HERE. We can do a deep dive on your health goals. Unearth the blockages, and help you move toward your best health yet. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

Is Kauai calling you?

Come visit! There are cheap fares, quick flights and your happy place, remember to schedule your couple’s massage EARLY at Hanalei Day Spa.


Unfortunately some things we consume may actually harm us.

We think we are eating, drinking, using cleaning and body products that are good for us and sometimes they can contribute to disease.

Let’s dive in

  • How do we consume ANTI-Nutrition?
  • There are several ways that we consume toxins
  • Junk food is the most obvious, but remember we consume through eating, drinking and our skin.
  • Did you know that conventional chicken (not organic) has arsenic in it?

Learn more about Anti-Nutrition in this video:

In the early 80’s Rell Sun and her friends played in the DDT spray, little did they know…

They were exposing themselves to Anti-Nutrition.
Her friends and family did not know that this would later cause her to battle breast cancer for 15 years.
The experts didn’t release the information to the public, and sadly after a 15 year battle Hawaii lost a beloved surf lesson.

This is part 1

Now it’s up to you, try it, and let me know how it goes in the comments!
I really want to hear from you!

Thanks for joining me! When you find value, please LIKE, comment and share, Thank you, that helps me too!
Each one of our personal choices creates consumer-market-driven pressure that affects change from the bottom up.


✓ Have a consultation with me, in a consultation we can roll up our sleeves and figure out exactly what has been causing your symptoms and eliminate those. https://seriouscleanse.com/consultation/
✓ Do A Cleanse – Who better than an experienced cleansing specialist to help you! I have four to choose from. A 7 day cleanse, 30-day Serious Cleanse Challenge, and two 5-day cleansing kits, including the Breast Cleanse for women and the Serious Cleanse Protocol for men.

Breast Cleanse Landing Page

✓ Test your heavy Metal Toxicity HERE This super affordable test. Send 10-15 strands of your hair and they will provide results, sometimes within a week. This cutting edge bio-resonance technology provides an extensive, affordable and easy-to-understand report. Use the coupon code Darci808 to participate in the gracious 10% discount that 5Strands gives our community. https://www.5strands.com/people/metal-test.html#a_aid=Darci&a_bid=95c5065b
✓ Assess your OWN toxic burden Answer 10 questions to discover your toxic burden, which toxins you have been exposed to. https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/5bfee31bcf240600131ecce4

✓ I recommend THIS shower and drinking water filter:
Berkey Water Filters

Affiliate disclaimer: Please know that some suggestions I make also provide me a small affiliate commission at no cost to you. This helps to offset my production costs so I can continue to bring you great information such as this. I firmly believe in an upward spiral of mutual generosity. I want you to be financially successful and super healthy.

What’s happening with the north shore of Kauai and Hanalei Day Spa?

As you may or may not know, there was the big flood in April, then hurricane or Cyclone Lane. These storms caused severe damage to the north shore of Kauai. The mudslides took out part of the road, and as a result, the roads have been closed to everyone but bonafide residents since April.

In September of 2018, Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. issued the following statement in regards to the emergency proclamation and rule in effect for the County of Kauai:

“The safety of our residents in the affected areas of Wainiha and Haena continues to be of the utmost priority. I want to remind everyone that due to emergency roadwork repairs on Kuhio Highway from Waikoko to Wainiha, the current emergency proclamation and rule is necessary for the well-being of our entire community.

“It is my intention to continue this emergency rule – which limits access to residents and authorized vehicles only – until the highway is deemed safe for normal travel. It is also my intention to continue to extend this emergency proclamation until all county-repairs are completed.”

“Mahalo to the people of Kauai as well as our visitors for your continued patience, understanding and aloha while we as a community remain committed to the recovery of our North Shore.”

Access is temporarily limited to the very north shore:

  • Residents
  • Emergency personnel
  • official county, state, government officials and contractors
  • approved non government organizations, such as habitat for humanity and Samaritan’s Purse.

Access to Haena/Wainiha is still restricted to bonafide residents, (convoy route image below) if you want to see our convoy schedule Our Convoy schedule here

The Progress and Challenges

They are progressing slowly and surely. For us, it seems like forever! but…There have been many significant signs of repairs and progress on the roads. The first part was initially clearing debris and mud, after that the roadwork began. DOT began scaling this tall slope wall, they are pulling tons of earth away so it doesn’t erode.  Completing debris removal, slope scaling, slope stabilization, guardrail replacements, and pavement repairs.

The challenge is that the Waipa and Waikoko bridges show signs of significant deterioration and load bearing deficiencies. In that, they do not have the capacity needed for current emergency repairs. (i.e., removal of dirt material and placement of boulders needed for revetments at slope repair sites) Or additional slope mitigation work planned for this area within the next two years.

Bridge repairs

The Department of Transportation DOT has been very busy with all manner of repairs since the flood.  The plan is to replace the Waipā and Waikoko Bridges, however, the Wai‘oli Bridge can be rehabilitated. All bridges will maintain existing alignments and the one-lane travel route. When the project is completed, the posted load will then be 8 tons on all three bridges. The Department of Transportation is working to ensure that the designs for the Waipā and Waikoko bridges conform to the greatest extent possible to the guidelines recommended by the Kūhiō Highway Historic Roadway Corridor Plan. The Department has also committed that designs for the rehabilitated Wai‘oli Bridge will conform with certain plans. The Secretary of Interiorʻs Standards for Rehabilitation and guidelines recommended by the Historic Roadway Corridor Plan.

When will the road open?

The bridges can hold more weight after the repairs.  I suspect the repairs will move faster than they have been moving. The last projected end date was the end of October 2018. However, we are waiting on an updated ‘best case scenario’ and worst case scenario’ from the DOT.

For now, those of us who live here are enjoying the quietude and are busy with trying to make a living. Personally, for 6 months, I have been in the process of creating an online course to help people be healthier. I will announce more soon.

Currently, you may schedule online for Hanalei Day Spa, beginning August 2019, I will add earlier dates,

* as I am notified of the projected date for opening the road. Please know, prices are subject to change.

I will leave you with this beautiful saying and sunset
image of the very north shore, looking towards Kalalau, a popular hiking destination.

Aloha Aku No, Aloha Mai No
I give my love to you, you give your love to me.

Thank you Teri Tico for this image



Kauai’s North Shore likely to be closed through the end of the year. Sigh

After disastrous flooding struck Kauai’s North Shore in mid-April 2018, causing damage to the highway and bridges. Initial estimates had the North Shore reopening to the public around October 2018. Access to the North Shore is still closed to the public past the town of Hanalei. The damage and repairs are extensive. Then, Hurricane Lane struck the island at the end of August 2018.  Bringing new flooding and damage to the area, which setback the timeline. The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) recently updated the time estimate for the road closure. They said “Kuhio Highway, the road to the North Shore will be closed to the public until the end of 2018”. This is the only only land access. The closure includes access to the popular Kalalau Trail, Ke’e and Tunnels and Lumahai.

HDOT reports:

LIHUE – Tropical Cyclone Lane brought additional repairs. The timelines and estimated costs are still unclear. These emergency repairs to Kuhio Highway from the April 2018 flooding are being reassessed following the recent flooding.

Before the cyclone, HDOT had an estimat for the repairs. The goal was to be completed in October at a cost of $80 million.

Flooding on August 27 and 28 inundated Kuhio Highway at Hanalei Bridge and between the Waikoko and Wainiha checkpoints. Saturation from the heavy rains also compromised the slope. The location of the compromised slope is at mile marker 1.0 leading up to the Hanalei Bridge. This also resulted in rockfall and a fallen tree. HDOT is performing rock scaling on this slope today. This will prevent additional material loosened by the rains from falling onto the roadway.

In summary, there were setbacks due to additional flooding. Once, we complete the in-depth assessments, we estimate that the project completion date is closer to the end of the year.

Visit Emergency Repairs project website for a full a full list of additional work/estimated costs.
-Photo: Hawaii Department of Transportation


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