
Tag Archives | self care

6 ways to QUICKLY reduce stress, anxiety, and pain and increase your mana.

Stress triggers our flight and fight response

When we lose our job; have an emergency such as we have all been through, or there are large and unknown changes in our life our nervous system can interpret this as stress. Even in our daily life we are exposed to many types and amounts of stress, which then trigger our fight or flight response AKA sympathetic nervous system, including the release of stress hormones.

Did you know that almost every TV show nowadays triggers our fight or flight response with gory visuals, abrupt automobile accidents, and shocking scenes?

Did you know that our unconscious mind cannot differentiate between real and imagined stressors? In addition, frequent stressors of schedules, deadlines, relationship conflict, even a mild disagreement can cause internal strife. Being in traffic, loud and numerous layered sounds in the environment, even caffeine, and slight alterations in routines can all release stress hormones.

We have actually grown numb to the negative visual impressions we receive.

What happens is that we are exposed to so much stimulation in our daily lives that our nervous system becomes hyperactive. We don’t even notice it! Then, over time, this compounds and ages us, as a result, it takes a serious toll on our mental, emotional, and physical health… Read on to find out how to reverse this.

Studies show that stress actually shrinks the brain!

Bruce McEwen, a neuroscientist at Rockefeller University in New York says that “Stress causes neurons (brain cells) to shrink,” he goes on to say that “The wear and tear on the body from lots of stress changes the nervous system.” Moreover, “particularly worrying in the developing brain, which appears to be programmed by early stressful experience”.

What can we do?

Don’t worry, because remember, worrying shrinks your brain. There is a lot that we can do to help our bodies be at their optimum! A regular routine with daily exercise, adequate sleep, nourishing and healthy meals can all go a long way towards providing a healthy foundation, and more, read on…

Connection decreases stress.

In addition, we can easily self-regulate our nervous system.

AND we can also co-regulate with another human being (which is actually easier.) I provide suggestions for both below

In fact, I provide helpful information on being your best in all the emails I send.

The following activities significantly decrease stress:

  • hugging
  • receiving massage
  • touch
  • talking with a friend
  • holding a baby or a pet
  • singing
  • even looking at beautiful, or cute pictures
  • That’s why I put pictures of one of my favorite people

If you are by yourself

When we are feeling out of sorts, or if other people are not available to talk to, or give us a hug, the best course of action is to turn inward instead. Most people learn how to soothe themselves as infants. However, many of us forget to practice in our daily lives. Or, sometimes we are hard on ourselves or need to feel self-love when we feel anxiety or fear. These are the times to increase our self-love.

I was on a water slide with the kids recently, it was steep. As I took the plunge onto the slide, I felt afraid, and noticed my belly, probably my whole body tightened up. I didn’t even make a conscious decision to soothe myself, it just happened.

I said reassuring words to myself such as: “I am safe, this is OK, just flow with it in the same way I flow with life.” After that, I immediately relaxed and had fun! Oh, and the kids were proud of me too, in fact, they cheered when I splashed into the pool from the slide. Self-regulation is important and easy to do. Take some time to cultivate self- love with this easy practice. Try this self-soothing, cultivating self- love exercise for a few breaths.


6 ways to QUICKLY reduce stress, anxiety, and pain and increase your mana.

Did you know that looking at cute pictures, is calming?

We want to be proficient at preventing stress, in addition, to quickly eliminating stress before it accumulates! These practices will help you do just that!

  1. Do this “I am Calm Meditation” with me
  2. 8-12 Hugs a day keeps the doctor away! Giving and receiving hugs reduces stress, chances of illness, increases feel-good hormone oxytocin? As a matter of fact family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth.”
  3. Massage and spa treatments are a great way to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Can’t go to a spa? That’s fine, even giving and receiving massage with loved ones helps too! Start with something simple, like a foot or shoulder massage.
  4. Don’t let little things build up in your relationships. Periodically take time to clear the air; try this Couple’s Communication Ritual with me.
  5. Try this advanced meditation practice “Meditation”
  6. Consider a 3-5 day Reset Retreat with us. Folks usually do a Reset Retreats during a life transition, or when they lose their “center.” The retreat begins with a consultation to determine specific needs. Then, participants receive 2-3 hours of treatments daily, and guidance for self-guided practices such as meditation, a Sugar & Gluten Cleanse. After that, they get other rejuvenation and stress management practices. Begin here with this consultation to assess your needs.

As we have seen, stress comes in many forms and can be cumulative, however, there are solutions!

Another key point is that it took a little while to accumulate, yet with just a little time, you can reduce your stress hormones and significantly increase your feel-good hormones thereby supporting your overall well-being. Remember, I am here for you.

Thank you for visiting us, reading this, and taking the time and sweet attention to nourishing yourself! Please let me know how you are doing. I am looking forward to seeing you on your next in-person visit or online health consultation. With warm aloha, Darci Frankel

In the very next (and upcoming) issues:

  • I share some of my best health secrets, gained over my 27 years of practicing Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Talk about some of my favorite insider Kauai beach activities
  • Look for my BIG giveaway soon.
  • How toxins might be making you SICK, FAT and TIRED
  • Special VIP invitation to an upcoming webinar “The Secrets of Cleansing
  • What kinds of heavy metals are HIDING in your bones, your fat or worse, your BRAIN?!
  • I also share one of my secret weapons in detecting heavy metal toxicity.


Darci Frankel has had a lifelong involvement in the healing arts. She is an experienced practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine (the science of healing from India) a cleansing and rejuvenation specialist, a long-time massage therapist, and a yoga teacher. Darci began her Ayurvedic study in 1992 and then interned with America’s foremost expert of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad, at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. She has been practicing Ayurvedic Medicine and providing cleansing and rejuvenation programs since 1994.

Darci was invited to head up the Ayurveda Department of Complementary Medicine at Miami’s prestigious Mt. Sinai Hospital. She also served as an advisor for High-Health, Inc. Darci Frankel has been the managing owner of Hanalei Day Spa on Kauai for 16 years. Offering spa services, cleansing and rejuvenation retreats, (Pancha Karma), and a spa consultant. Some of her notable clients have included; Gloria Estefan, John Oats, Mickey Rourke, Dr. Brad Blanton, and Pierce Brosnan.

Darci has a strong commitment to healing and transformation which she expresses through her wisdom in Ayurveda.”
~ Deepak Chopra

Do You Have Emotional Toxins?

Kicking off 2022 with Emotional and Mental Cleansing 

Aloha this is Darci Frankel coming to you from Hanalei Day Spa here on Kauai to wish you a Happy New Year!

How is your 2022 so far? Are you still excited about your goals or intentions for 2022? I would love to hear what they are if you feel like sharing them. Reply below or shout out to me on instagram so that I can cheer you on.

On the other hand, you may be unsure of your goals, or have resistance to even making them. Sometimes there may be emotional or mental block or even some trauma, especially after this past couple of years.

Even on a subtle or subconscious level because emotional content may get in the way of us reaching our goals. As a cleansing specialist, I help folks to eliminate physical toxins, you know the garden variety heavy metals, pesticides, pseudo estrogens and mold etc,. AND emotional toxins too, because the undigested emotional stuff is just as important as physical toxins.

Often, these emotions are so deeply buried you don’t realize they’re even there. But because they haven’t been properly released, these emotions can negatively affect your health.

In fact, studies show these stuck emotions can:

  • Derail DNA communication
  • Suppress immune system functions
  • cause fatigue, illness, depression, and worse.

    Yes, it’s essential to detox chemicals and heavy metals. But I also believe EVERYONE should detox toxic emotions too.

    If you are interested in learning more about this check out my:

    Guided Meditation/Gently Detoxing Our Emotions
    click HERE to listen to audio 

We begin by simply sitting quietly…click HERE to practice with me. 

If you are still unsure about your focus this year, you can book a consultation with me HERE. We can do a deep dive on your health goals. Unearth the blockages, and help you move toward your best health yet. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

Is Kauai calling you?

Come visit! There are cheap fares, quick flights and your happy place, remember to schedule your couple’s massage EARLY at Hanalei Day Spa.

Listening to Our Body

Listening to Our Body
Listening to Our Body: The Art of Being Human

Listening to our body is a vital skill that we develop over a lifetime. We awaken to the subtle cues within us as we mature and we make better decisions about our health.

Ultimately, the decisions we make about our health significantly impact our quality of life and our longevity. Listening with an ear of love and respect will make health a fun, joyful, and important endeavor throughout life.

Understand more from listening

For instance, learning to listen to our body provides immediate benefits including: Firstly, we gain the value of knowing how to interpret the information, Secondly, we prevent illness and respond at the onset, Thirdly, we provide our own unique self-care, Fourthly, we understand our body’s signals, and finally, we practice prevention and because of it, we create ideal health.

Undoubtedly, “listening to our body” is an inward skill that most folks don’t take the time to develop before illness occurs. The immediate value of this awareness is often not seen until it is too, late.

Therefore, grab a notebook and let’s explore the value now so you can decide what’s right for you. You will likely have questions of your own. Please post them below or feel free to e-mail me directly at E-mail.

Start where you are:

Most of us range in our body awareness somewhere between fear (disease obsession) and denial (I’m fine or it won’t happen to me) and therefore, most of us are somewhere on that continuum. As a result few live in the middle ground.  Therefore, have a sense of your overall health and learn to listen to your body to prevent disease and for the best health possible. In conclusion, every human being has to interpret the information we get from listening to our body accurately because we can make good health decisions when we do.

Learn the Language of Your Body

Unfortunately, we are not taught to listen to information that our body gives us we risk our health. Because our body speaks to us with feedback for our health and well being, above all we need to hear. Some learn this early in life, others grow into this intimate dialogue. In conclusion, your language is unique to your body.

Why listen?

For example, have you ever ignored a baby that was hungry or wet? How long could you listen to it scream before you needed to respond? Our bodies are like screaming babies sometimes. Naturally, we want to soothe the discomfort. Ultimately, we give ourselves what we need. However, sometimes we ignore the cries for too long and we create imbalance.

We are constantly getting cues and clues as to what is happening inside of us, but we are often moving too fast to interpret this important language. Imagine if you were listening however and could hear exactly what your body needed. How would you feel after all, if you could self-assess and know how to heal your own pain, upset, emotion and stress? You can!

A great conversation, if you listen

Are you in conversation with your body! What is it saying?

If it is in pain it will let you know. If you are not using the bathroom regularly, it is letting you know that something is not balanced. If you have fever, your body is alerting you to an infection. If you are dizzy or lethargic, you could have low blood sugar or be dehydrated.

In conclusion, here are so many cues and ways your body is communicating if you would learn to listen. Because you are a miraculous living organism of synapses and processes, you deserve to hear and understand.

We have to learn to interpret what the body is saying.

To better understand the cues and messages your body is sending, click here to schedule a consultation with renowned spa owner, Darci Frankel and her amazing team, and begin your journey to health and wellness.

At every step of the way, the body gives us information.
As a result as soon as we start to listen, we can begin to heal, change, or grow.

For instance, in July of 1984, Jim Fixx, an avid runner and author, sadly, died of a heart attack. People were shocked. They exclaimed, “he was perfectly healthy!”

Actually, he was not!

Because Jim’s arteries for example, were (in the process of) clogging for years. In fact, three of the main arteries to his heart were seriously clogged; shockingly, one was 95% blocked, the second 85% blocked, and the third was 70% blocked, so a heart attack was not so far off. In conclusion, and with great respect to Jim and his family, there were most probably signs!

In conclusion, had he been more adept at listening to his body, treatment may have been possible. Alternately, exercise and eating well are not always a guarantee of health. Therefore, we must listen more adeptly.

Great health begins with good listening

Luckily, no one goes from perfect health to terminal disease overnight. Disease is progressive and most can be prevented when we listen to the body’s cues and unique language. Above all, we need to interpret the body’s subtle sounds and whispers. Alternatively, sometimes we need a professional to diagnose what we could not hear.

Listening for solutions

However, if Mr. Fixx slowed down and tuned in to his needs, he may have realized that his body was communicating. As a result, he may have changed his diet to decrease inflammation. For instance, he may have used meditation or yoga to decrease stress.

In addition, studies show that inflammation and ‘bad’ fats are the cause of arteriosclerosis.  

After all, you know your body. You know what it feels like to feel good, and when you just feel off in some way. Have a “go to” plan that brings you to your center.

Hearing from wholeness

Similarly, when something feels off to me, I remember what our old friend Smokey The Bear used to say: “Stop, drop and roll.” Especially, because I sense pain in my body, I literally stop, drop and roll: I stop and become aware of what is hurting or out of alignment. For instance, I drop any expectation and relax, not trying to figure out what’s wrong. In other words, I give myself what is needed, even a few minutes to roll on an exercise ball to stretch and work out any knots.

Because, once I am relaxed, for instance, I can assess and respond: Perhaps I need water or a snack. Perhaps a massage is what is needed. A nap, whatever, may be appropriate. Alternatively, some exercise or longer stretch will do the trick. In conclusion, I do what I must to hear more clearly. As a result, I take responsible, appropriate action.

Ultimately, we know what we need. We must slow down, take time to give ourselves the necessary attention. Ask for help from appropriate practitioners and naturopaths, and envision our ideal health as we journey towards it. Health is a state of mind, a state of being in the body, and a respectful alignment between the two.

Check in with yourself regularly

 Next time you have an ache or pain, take pause, and a few breaths to center yourself. Take an honest look at what is really happening inside. Give it to yourself.

For example, you can’t know everything going on inside of you at all times. However, you can learn to listen better all the time.

Therefore, my friend, Deepak Chopra would take this moment to remind us of the tens of thousands of bodily functions going on: For instance, the heart is beating, the nerve synapses are firing, the gallbladder is secreting bile, while the arteries are all pumping blood, the temperature is being regulated and listening to our body, knowing this is all happening, lets us honor the micro changes in the environment through the senses.

In other words, the awareness of the miracle of the human body and our awe of it being in good working order therefore, is a great place to begin to hear what is being communicated. What cannot be heard can be explored through routine health exams, blood tests, hormone panels, and therapeutic/natural health care. In conclusion, there are no excuses for not hearing our bodies.

3 valuable life lessons:

  • Firstly, listening to my body is important
  • Secondly, doctors aren’t G-ds
  • Finally, medicine has limits.

Recently, I listened to my body. Here is what I heard. What are you hearing?

The other day I took a dip in the ocean and I loved it! I felt amazing and I was happy the whole day. The next day, I felt unusual pressure with an uncomfortable sensation on the side of my neck. Luckily, I paused and took notice because I’d never felt that before. So, I rubbed the area a bit and felt I needed some water.

I needed something; some kind of self-care, for instance: I went for a walk while taking deep breaths as I did. Although subtle, something was still off. However, I felt vulnerable and a bit feverish, as a result, I noticed that my mind became a little agitated; jumping from topic to topic.

Eventually, as I walked and did some movements to align my neck, something clicked into place. However, a few hours later, I felt throbbing in my left ear. Finally, I remembered water getting in that ear the day before.

Intuitively, and together with this information, I deduced:

It is the start of an ear infection! “Let me nip this in the bud! “

After that, I put peroxide in my ear and some essential oils BEHIND it on the mastoid bone I was able to ward off infection. (NEVER put essential oils in the ear).  It worked! Luckily, the pain went away and I am better today because listening to the subtle cues of our bodies saves time and money, and prevents pain and illness!

In conclusion, because I listened to my inner guidance and took the time to hear what was being said, a major medical malady was averted.

Ultimately, if you listen, your organism will communicate with you.

Develop your inner intelligence in 4 steps:

  1. Clean up your doorways of perception with a daily routine: Consider using a neti pot to clear head & sinus, Meditate, and eat a clean organic/free range diet, hydrate, avoid sugar, etc.
  2. Listen to subtle cues in your physiology. Listen and respond. Your inner intelligence rewards and acknowledges you with information.
  3. Pause and listen deeply when something feels misaligned
  4. Practice moderation in all that you eat, think, and do

Grab your notebook and let’s take 3 minutes to do this listening practice.

Meditation to Practice Listening (9 min)  https://hanaleidayspa.com/meditation-1/

Let’s take it to the next level!

Self-Care Questions to ask

  1. Do I need to rest and honor my body or push myself harder?
  2. Am I getting the suggested 7-9 hours of sleep daily?
  3. Would more or less exercise make my body feel better?
  4. How is my appetite? Am I hungry, or thirsty? Am I fueling my body?
  5. Do I know and honor my limits?
  6. Am I hungry, angry, lonely, tired? (H.A.L.T) Inquire. Listen. Respond.
  7. When you hurt yourself stop immediately. Assess. Ice. Rest. Elevate. Compression. Follow up with a doctor.
  8. Stop immediately. Assess. Ice. Rest. Elevate. Compression. Follow up with a doctor.
  9. How is my mood? Allow yourself to feel the emotion.
  10. Can I focus my attention on what is in front of me? Address your distractions.
  11. Am I sore, injured, or, is what I feel signs of natural aging? We need to keep active and learn to accept aging?

In conclusion, if you liked this, you will love:
10 Keys to BEING Seriously Healthy


DIY Hanalei Day Spa

10 Keys to BEING seriously healthy

Keys to BEING Seriously Healthy part 1

Healthy lifestyleWe all want to be healthy, but we might not know what to actually do. In this 3 part series, I give you the 10 keys to being seriously healthy. I help you to gain a deep understanding of the foundations in truly BEING a healthy person. I have been practicing Ayurvedic Medicine for about 25 years, and I constantly learn, so I can bring you the best, most time-tested truths, based on volumes of research.

Join me on this journey through the 10 keys, so you can BE seriously healthy!

I’m going to go through each of the 10 keys, and explain them in detail. You can watch the videos and I will also go into more depth in a series of 3 blogs. As you hear each of the keys, you will probably intuitively know that these points are true. We’re just taking this time together to review, asses and refine where you are at with each key, and which areas you need to improve upon. Then, you will take this knowledge and turn it into wisdom by empowering yourself to make some life-altering changes.

Because ‘action’ is the thing that turns knowledge into wisdom.

Listening to our body

The first important point is to listen to our body. We sometimes get so caught up in life that we forget to listen. When we get sick, have aches and pains or an illness, it is our body’s way of communicating and asking for your participation and cooperation.  When we listen and cooperate with our body, we can learn how to restore balance and improve our health.

By honoring these messages,  we can turn an illness into a constructive time of restoration, healing, and revitalization.

Get a pen and paper ready, because, in each key, I want you to honestly rate yourself on a scale of 0-10.
If you are really being honest and true to yourself, where are you? I want you to be rigorously honest with yourself here.

Here is the video, but I flesh more out in this blog post.

Key #1 Healthy diet

Our bodies respond quickly to nourishing healthy foods. A healthy diet includes the highest quality foods. These are the best for the body and brain and include healthy un-saturated fats. We’re talking about 100% organically grown foods, grass-fed/pasture raised meats, neuroprotective fats which all protect our brain, body and nervous system. Coconut or olive oil & avocados are a great example of healthy neuroprotective un-saturated fats. Other healthy choices include wild salmon, eggs and dark leafy vegetables. Another category is the anti-aging free radical scavenger, potent antioxidant polyphenol foods, such as blueberries, turmeric, green tea.

Healthy oils

According to AARP, 93 percent of Americans are concerned with their brain health, but few understand how to protect it. Have you been deceived into thinking that canola oil is healthy? Or that coconut oil is not healthy!? If you want to have a healthy diet, you need to be able to identify healthy oils. Here are a few tips to do just that!

  • Rapeseed oil AKA Canola oil is NOT healthy oil, it is genetically modified not one, but twice! Once to lower the acid level so it doesn’t kill from heart disease, then a second time to make it roundup ready!
  • Check the ingredients in your salad dressings (even at the health food stores) and everything in supermarkets, you will find canola is in everything!
  • Studies have shown that rats fed canola oil get fat and Altzheimer’s.
  • Healthy fats for a healthy body and brain are, coconut oil, Avocado, ghee, olive oil, even duck fat are all good oils.

Farm raised Salmon facts

  • healthy oilsFarm raised salmon are given supplements made from petrochemicals, to enhance its color.
  • They are full of harmful toxic contaminants.
  • Fish farms cause environmental damage.
  • Dr. David Katz, director of Yale prevention research says that farmed salmon contains antibiotics, toxins, pollutants, and calories.
  • Farm raised salmon contains harmful, inflammatory fats that harm your health.

Drugs in our meat

The meat industry does not publicize its use of antibiotics and other drugs.  There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that the use of antibiotics in foods pose grave health risks in humans.  For instance, animals develop antibiotic resistance over time, which is passed to humans who eat them.  The New England Journal of Medicine found that people who developed Cipro- resistant bacteria had acquired that from eating pork contaminated with salmonella. Do you know that farm raised meats to contain antibiotics and growth hormones which creates antibiotic resistance & increase in growth tumors?

Sugar is as addictive as cocaine

Remember, there are some foods (substances and people) that look, smell and feel good in some way, but the net effect can be harmful to our health. Take sugar for example, do you know that studies show that sugar is more addictive, and causes more deaths than cocaine! Sugar has the same effect as some hard drugs. Such as heroin and cocaine, in that it strongly spikes dopamine.

When sugar is fed to lab rats, they consistently consumed larger and larger portions upon scheduled reintroduction.  When the sugar was taken away, the rats were restless, showed signs of anxiety, lowered dopamine and were unwilling to move about in their environment.

There are 10 times more sugar related deaths in the US then cocaine-related deaths. Sometimes I hear people talking about ‘rewarding’ themselves with some sugar, candy or a smoke. Is it really rewarding to create harm to your body? Is that a reward?  Do you want to eat antibiotics with your food?

I encourage you to do some research into this on your own. Given these facts, you may want to consider really being mindful and more selective about what you put in your body.

If you are rigorously honest, rate yourself on the area of healthy diet on a scale from 0-10?

Key #2 Self  Talk

We feed our bodies with healthy food, what are we feeding our minds with? Do we choose, 100% organic, healthy and kind words? Or do we just take in any junk thoughts because that’s what’s there? We have been taking a look and refining our food choices, but have you ever stopped to question the quality of your self-talk? Think about it, the words that we say to ourselves can be nourishing and contribute to our health too!

I eliminated sugar from my diet 3 years ago, but I am not hard on myself if every six months or so I have something with sugar in it. I take some supplements to counteract it and move on. The other day, I ate some Strauss strawberry ice cream. It definitely has sugar in it, and it was delicious! But the next day, I literally felt depressed, for the first couple of hours, I didn’t realize what was happening. I’m not the ‘depressed’ or melancholic type, so I quickly realized what happened. I have detoxed my body completely of refined sugar, so I can really feel it when I do take some in. So my immune system was negatively affected and I could feel it.

Remember, when our body is affected, our mind is too. They say that sugar suppresses the immune system. I said some kind things to myself acknowledging and accepting my mistake, gave myself a hug, and I moved on to do my day, which turned out to be a great day! Have you ever made a mistake with your diet, lifestyle choices? How did you treat yourself? Read more about studies on being kind to yourself here.

Pithy questions to contemplate

If you constantly say that you are getting old, or are stupid, or if you make a mistake if you can’t remember something, is that an example of healthy self-talk? Does how you think about yourself make a difference? Do you treat yourself well or poorly? What do you affirm about yourself? Do you realize that when you say something to yourself over and over, you believe it?

How our body looks and feels is a byproduct of how we treat ourselves.

Our cells eavesdrop on everything we say!

Ikea conducted anti-bullying experiments in some schools recently. They brought two plants into the school, and play a recorded loop of compliments and, words of praise and appreciation to one group, and unkind, toxic phrases to the other group. The children could hear and see the plants.

The plants that received kind words looked all green and full, they thrived! While the other group of plants were significantly smaller, shriveled and literally looked sad. It’s the same with humans, our cells hear everything we say.

Are you kind to yourself without exception?
Or, are you only kind when you are doing good?
When you make a mistake do you berate yourself?
Do you create inner toxicity?

Please rate yourself, an honest self-evaluation from 0-10 what is your self-talk like?

Key #3 Exercise

The next key is Exercise This includes all forms of movement. Exercise stimulates feel-good hormones such as serotonin, increases neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, stimulates venous and lymphatic circulation, brain-derived neurotrophic factors which are responsible for making new connections in the brain. As a culture, we HAVE to move. In our culture, we spend so much time sitting, they coined a new disease ‘sitting is the new smoking’. There are studies that show active people are depressed and have less anxiety less than inactive people. In a recent blog entry, I talked a lot about this important Key to being Seriously Healthy.

Try these ideas, and let me know what you are doing to get moving!

  1. Find more ways to incorporate activity in your day.
  2. Set a timer, at the top of each hour, get up and move.
  3. Take a call standing and have a meeting while walking.
  4. Do this minute desk workout with me!
  5. Activate/flex the muscles of your quads, hamstrings, and abs at your desk, or on your commute.
  6. Walk to lunch.
  7. Sit up straight.
  8. Rock your baby and do lunges.
  9. Go for a walk instead of watching tv after dinner.
  10. Have a simple exercise routine that you can do on a call or webinar (they won’t even know). Push-ups, lunges, triceps extensions on your chair.
  11. Halftime at a sports event or-or Intermission of the school play is a great time to take a power walk for 5-10 minutes.

Exercise creates healthy brain- body connections

Our children need to put down the devices and go out and play, barefoot!
So they make as many brain-body connections early on as they can. The same is true with us, we need to go outside and enjoy nature and soak in the sunshine!

Take frequent movement breaks, do this 5-minute desk workout with me!

Do you get enough exercise? Rate yourself from 0-10.

These are the first 3 of the 10 keys to being Seriously Healthy. Let’s make some positive changes together! Take a look at how you rated yourself and choose some areas to refine and up-level your practices. I really, really, really want to know what you are letting go of and what you are refining!


Clear your head, Reduce brain fog!

Have you ever had brain fog when your
sinuses and nose are congested?

  Jala Neti is an ancient Ayurvedic (and yogic) self-care practice of washing the sinuses with warm salt water. This cleanses & flushes out mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses.

Neti is one of the ways that we cleanse the sense organs,
so that we may percieve the world around us with more clarity.

At first, it may seem a little different, but after you get used to it you will feel the benefits, especially if you have suffered from; colds, flu, respiratory disorders, sinus problems, stuffy nose or allergies. Doing neti will definitely improve your sinus health and your overall health too!

When to Neti:

  • First thing in the morning
  • After cleaning out a moldy, musty or dusty closet.  
  • Before and after air travel.
  • Daily if you are in an area dense with pollution, or dust.
  • Daily during spring
  • Before, during and after a cold or flu.
  • After dental work

How to Neti 

  1. fill up your neti pot with warm water and add 3/4 tsp of good quality salt
  2. put the nozzle into one nostril
  3. tilt your head forward and chin down over the sink
  4. for beginners, it helps if you gently exhale a little bit through your nose to start the flow
  5. You will breathe gently from your mouth 
  6. cleanse the next nostril
  7. gently blow out from both nostrils to clear all the salt water when you are finished.

Avoid Neti:

  • Immediately before or after a meal
  • Not during your menstrual cycle   

You may also enjoy:

  1. Cleansing Through Breathing Video
  2. An Ayurveda Consultation with me, HealthConsultant808@gmail.com

Prevent Disease, 4 steps to prepare for fall

diseases arise at the junctions of the seasons
Rtusandhishu vyadhayoh jayante

In my last article, Promptly Eliminate the heat of Summer, so it doesn’t cause damage, I touched on the topic of how the time between seasons is a sensitive time. We are still there, in this delicate time, in that, the fall has just begun, the energy is just beginning to cool and contract. With the warmth of summer, our interior channels expand and dilate, and with the cold of fall and winter, these channels contract. 

Similarly, as we are part of nature,
our internal channels are beginning to contract…

Our internal mana/prana/life force is beginning to recede from the surface as it descends deeper into our bodies until the springtime when that sweet incubated vitality emerges into the new life, new growth. By the way, we use this exact, deep wisdom-action of nature, to; dilate, lubricate and expand the tissues, (so that we can then pluck toxins out) in Ayurveda’s cornerstone cleansing and rejuvenation programs called Pancha Karma.

We want to be mindful of this energetic shift because
“If we are not properly prepared our bodies will not be able to
adequately adapt, which can lead to internal disharmony”

~ Dr. Robert Svoboda

Just like it helps us to eliminate the excess from the previous season, Ayurveda helps us to prepare for the transition of the seasons with suggested Dina-charya or daily routines, in this way we are cyclically (daily & seasonally) aligning our internal prana with the earth’s prana. Daily routines provide us with immediate value by calming our nervous system and mind, cleansing of impurities, and nourishing the body. In this way, we can grow in health, and Ayurveda shows us how!

If our goal is to be Seriously Healthy and prevent disease, Dina-charya or daily routines,
help us ease into transitions.

If our goal is to be Seriously Healthy, Dinacharya suggests we begin the day with certain practices.
The whole reason we do daily routine is to clean, lubricate & hydrate our sense organs so they can perceive clearly and that our life force circulates well within our organism. Then, and only then, we can interact clearly with nature and be able to adapt. When our 5 pranas are balanced, we have good digestion and the wastes are eliminated … Only when we are in balance can we be truly healthy.

4 practices that ‘clean’ the sense organs, prevent disease & help us perceive better.

Dinacharya to clean the sense organs:

  1. brush teeth, clean the tongue and do neti
  2. drink a glass of warm or hot water & have your morning bowel movement
  3. do an oil massage, the short version is: apply a small amount of oil to the skin.
  4. then sit, meditate for 5-30 minutes and regulate your breath/prana, here is a practice to help do just that.

The morning is also the best time to do exercise, yoga practice etc.

Attitude is everything

While you do these practices, see how you can do them with kindness and reverence toward yourself, and pay attention… pay loving attention to yourself, listen to your organism, that’s the point. (the point is the process of loving and nourishing yourself with the correct activities) To help you listen to your true nature. What is your organism saying?

In conclusion, these practices help us to regulate our sense of calm, ergo our prana for the day, and a lifetime, when we are consistent, we will have consistent health.

I care about you, let me know about your process, in your life, and with your daily routine.!
With warm alohas,

You may also enjoy:

  1. DIY Day Spa
  2. Video, clearing the body’s prana
  3. An Ayurveda Consultation with me, HealthConsultant808@gmail.com
  4. Cleansing Toxins Through Breathing Video

DIY Hanalei Day Spa… At your home!

Here’s a way to bring the spa home with you while you exfoliate those
dead skin cells this week with DIY Day Spa at home!
This scrub leaves your skin clean, fresh and moisturized!

Supplies needed:

1/8 – 1/4 cup of salt
1/4 cup of Coconut oil

Optional a few drops of essential oil

It is nice to get a body scrub at the spa, but you can also give yourself one at home!  The purpose of an at-home body scrub is to exfoliate the outermost layers of dead skin cells, revealing softer, younger cells just below.

Doing a body scrub at home is different in that you have all your creature comforts at home, but it might not feel as luxurious (or pampered) as a spa treatment might feel. DIY definitely has it’s benefits though! It is a lot less expensive, and you can give yourself one any time! You can make your own or pick up a body scrub or even use exfoliating mitts!

Personally, I like to use more oil than salt in my body scrub.

How To Give Yourself A DIY Body Scrub At Home

  • It is always nice to soak in a nice hot tub first. Try adding lavender essential oil, ylang-ylang, or geranium-rose to make it more relaxing. Dry off.
  • I sometimes just sit in the tub. Put a little bit of the scrub in your hands then start with long or circular strokes on your lower legs.
  • Spend 5 minutes on your whole body, more than that, you might get irritated.
  • When you stand up to do your backside, make sure you dont slip.
  • With your back reach under your arm to get the mid-back, use the back of your hand to get between shoulder blades, then for the upper shoulder use the opposite hand. A side benefit is that doing this home scrub will keep you flexible too!
  • When you’re done, take a shower, you may want to use a washcloth to pull some extra oil off.

  DIY Scrub Tips

  • Weekly body scrubs are a great way to keep your skin clean and exfoliated.
  • If your skin looks irritated at any point, stop.
  • Smaller grain salt is gentler than the large salt. At Hanalei Day Spa, we finely grind our Hawaiian Sea salt with a vita mix.
  • You can also use the exfoliating mitts.
  • Soothing aromatherapy; lavender, rose, geranium
  • Avoid using on the face, it can be too harsh.

Therapeutic Body Scrub Tips, Ayurveda Kitchen Medicine

  • If you’ve had a cold or flu, you can make your scrub more healing add 1/2 tsp dried thyme leaves
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus, lemon, or orange oil
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon or 1 tsp coffee grounds to increase circulation
  • add 1/2 tsp charcoal to absorb toxins. (see our serious cleanse body mask for a more effective treatment)

You may also enjoy:

  1. Clear your Head! Neti reduces brain fog!
  2. An Ayurveda Consultation with me, HealthConsultant808@gmail.com
  3. Cleansing Toxins Through Breathing Video

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How to make healing Bone Broth, that tastes great!

Bone Broth, the superfood


Bone broth is a nutritional supplement, a superfood packed with potent nutrition!
The way that I make bone broth is quite unique.
I have a long background in Ayurvedic Medicine. In Ayurveda, we prepare herbalized oils, potent medicinal teas, and other medicine. For instance, one way we do this, is to cook cups of herbs in gallons of water for 3 days, strain, then add oil and cook the oil out. This infuses the oil with the potent tea. In this way (and many ways), my Ayurveda background has informed my broth preparation.

Similarly, bone broth also has a rich history in traditional Chinese medicine. It is highly regarded as a helps support the digestive system, is a great tonic, builds the blood, supports the kidneys, offers incredible minerals, which most of us are depleted with,  supports the gut, Bone broth improves skin, bone and joint health and is anti-inflammatory. It can single-highhandedly help someone heal from the leaky gut syndrome.

Above all, these are some of the reasons I love Bone broth.
We drink it in our family and recommend it to the those who need it when they come to me for Ayurveda Consultation.


3.5-4 gallons of water (depending on the size of your crockpot)
Bones; turkey, chicken, beef or bison
Whole Black peppercorns, fenugreek, ginger, thyme, fresh Rosemary
Apple Cider Vinegar which pulls the minerals out of the bones into the broth.
2 LG Onions, 2 Lg. tomatoes, celery, and 1 lemon

Lemongrass, fenugreek, galangal are a nice addition, especially during cold and flu season.


add bones, water, veggies, and herbs, cook on low for 24-48 hours


Athletes, New mothers, anyone who is sick; convalescing, weak, elderly, anyone needing more strength.


Cook for 3 days, daily add veg if you’d like, add more water.
After that, let it cool.
Then strain it and throw bones away. (you can puree vegetables and use as a base of a soup)
Pour bone broth into containers, however make sure to leave ½ inch when freezing PACKAGING IT


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10 Keys to BEING seriously healthy



Hacking Travel, self care during travel

not all who wander are lost-2It is possible to maintain, and even ‘up level’ our self-care while we travel!

With a little planning, you can have your vacation uplevel your self-care on your vacation and propel you towards greater wellness! Most people do not understand that the problem is that air travel is extremely dehydrating, the dry air wicks important liquid from our bodies, this is why our main goal inflight is hydration. Our body and brain do not function well when dehydrated. A lot of people I know who have traveled frequently through their lives develop more negative effects of travel the older they get. Here, I outline some simple steps, to minimize the negative impact of travel.

Prepare in advance:

  1. Hydrate well for several days before you travel. 1 gallon of pure (filtered or artesian water) daily.
  2. Give yourself an oil massage the day of or the day before you fly.
    Self-massage Instructions here
  3. Prevent travel constipation by stabilizing your bowel movement cycle. You can do this by drinking 1 cup of warm water or tea immediately upon rising to stimulate peristaltic movement.  Peristaltic movement is the wavelike movement of the intestines and colon which moves waste out. Avoid colon weakening laxatives like cascara sagrada. Do ‘pose of the child’ AKA balasana, for several minutes upon arising.
  4. The best food choices at this time are warm, cooked, easy to digest, soupy foods that are easy to digest and in simple combinations with some extra grass fed butter, coconut oil or ghee, adding the oils supports hydration. *Warm foods are grounding and calming and counteract the dryness. According to Ayurvedic Medicine, we heal using the influence of opposites. For instance, if someone has dry skin, we recommend oil massage.
  5. Bring a home cooked meal on the plane. Right before your trip, make some cooked foods, basmati rice, fish, with your favorite veggies and add 2 tbs of ghee (clarified butter) or coconut oil.
    * Use the container as you travel and for a meal when you return.

The opposite of what we need is what we are served on an airplane.
Inflight food is usually; cold, processed foods; pretzels (dry, light, rough). We need warming, grounding, unctuous, easy to digest foods.

During the flight:

  1. They allow you to bring a quart sized zip lock baggie with your liquids in it. I bring 2 ounces of coconut oil (for food) and another container of some herbal massage oil, essential oils and some tinctures that I might need during my trip, such as rescue remedy etc.
  2. Sip warm or hot water so you can stay hydrated.
  3. Self-massage, to hydrate/lubricate skin, and rejuvenation. I go to the bathroom after people have already used it. This way, I can take a few extra minutes in there without feeling the pressure of knowing that people are waiting. If it is cold, I cover the air vent, then wipe off the basin and fill it with hot water, so I can put my oil bottle in there to warm up. While that is heating, I take a few drops of essential oils in my palms and breathe deep. I like to start off with thieves, which kills airborne pathogens, or other simple essential oils such as Lavender, lemon, orange etc. Then, I use the warmed oil and give myself a modified ‘Abhyanga’. I rub some oil on my arms, chest, back, and legs. If it is a long flight, this will be completely absorbed by the time I arrive, and I will have deeply hydrated tissues!
  4. I wear compression socks and take several stretch brakes to increase circulation.

When you arrive:
* When going anywhere, I leave some spring water in a glass container, in my car for my return. There is nothing like spring water from where I live!

  1. Drink a lot of water, from a stainless steel or glass bottle, not plastic. I am sure by now you have heard about the DNA altering plastics and chemicals.
  2. Take a hot shower as soon as you can.
  3. On Kauai, we like to go to the ocean to wash off the plane and the mainland.
  4. Get a nice warm meal and add, avocado, grass-fed butter or coconut oil.
  5. If you watch the sunset and sunrise, this helps your body regulate to the current time zone. Enjoy!

Travel according to Ayurvedic Medicine:

Ayurveda is the ancient “Science of Life’ from India dating back 7,000 years.

The three goals of Ayurveda are to prevent disease, preserve health and promote longevity. From the outside, it may appear that Ayurveda is simply a diet, using herbs, massage, and body typing, however it truly is a lifestyle. Ayurveda is a health-giving, longevity creating, increasing quality of life, daily practice. Yoga and meditation are part of Ayurveda and common ‘prescriptions’.

According to the Ancient science of healing, Ayurveda, there are 3 specific energies that must be balanced in order for optimal health to prevail. When one of the three becomes depleted or excessive, the ending result is a disease. What is not common knowledge is that people who travel frequently for work or, for pleasure can easily increase the energy of movement. Then, this imbalance or excess of Vata, if not counteracted will begin to take root in the body, then continue to grow through the stages of disease. The root cause of disease is excess doshas, also Known as Vata/movement, Pitta/transformation, and Kapha/structure.

Traveling increases ‘movement’ and is called Vata in Sanskrit. The qualities of Vata are cold, dry, light and rough. When these qualities are increased in the environment or diet they affect our organism. If we want to remain calm and balanced we will counteract these with warm, oily, smooth and heavier substances.

Symptoms of high Vata:

Dry; skin, nails, hair, mouth and eyes, constipation, insomnia, forgetfulness, anxiety, nervousness, weight loss, shooting pain, traveling pain etc.

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Hacking travel, self-Care while traveling
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